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Privacy & policy
Privacy Policy
This document describes how to manage the website www.centronauticolignano.com ("Site"), with reference to the processing of personal data of users ("User / Users") who consult it. It is an information notice pursuant to art. 13 of Legislative Decree no. 196/2003, so-called Code regarding the protection of personal data ("Privacy Code") and Article 13 of EU Regulation 679/2016 ("GDPR"), to all those who visit the Site and / or interact with web services of Centro Nautico Lignano srl accessible through the Site.
The information is provided only for the Site and not for other websites that may be consulted by the User through links on the Site.

1. Owner of the data processing
The owner of the processing of your personal data is Centro Nautico Lignano Srl, with registered office in Via Lignano Sabbiadoro nr. 156 in Pertegada di Latisana (UD - Italy), email info@centronauticolignano.com, (hereinafter "Centro Nautico Lignano srl" or "Owner").

2. Types of data processed
1) Navigation data
The computer systems and software procedures used to operate the Site acquire, during their normal operation, some personal data whose transmission is implicit in the use of internet communication protocols. This is information that is not collected to be associated with identified subjects, but which by their very nature could allow users to be identified. This category of data includes (i) the IP addresses or domain names of the computers used by users who connect to the Site, (ii) the URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) ​​addresses of the requested resources, (iii) the time of the request, (iv) the method used to submit the request to the server, (v) the size of the file obtained in response, (vi) the numerical code indicating the status of the response given by the server (successful, error) and (vii ) other parameters relating to the user's operating system and IT environment.
These data are used for the sole purpose of obtaining anonymous statistical information on the use of the Site and to check its correct functioning and are deleted immediately after processing.

2) Cookies
The following types of cookies are used on this site:

a) Technical Cookies
This type of cookie allows certain sections of the site to function correctly. Only technical cookies are used on this website, ie those used for the sole purpose of "carrying out the transmission of a communication over an electronic communications network, or to the extent strictly necessary for the provider of an information society service explicitly requested by the subscriber or by the User to provide this service "(see Article 122, paragraph 1, of the Privacy Code).
b) They can be divided into navigation or session cookies, which guarantee normal navigation and use of the website:
• analytics cookies, similar to technical cookies when used directly by the site manager to collect information, in aggregate form, on the number of users and how they visit the site;
• functionality cookies, which allow the user to browse according to a series of selected criteria (eg language, etc.) in order to improve the service provided to the user.
The prior consent of users is not required for the installation of these cookies, while the obligation to provide information pursuant to art. 13 of the Code.
The acquisition and processing of data resulting from the use of technical cookies is mandatory for browsing the site. In case of opposition by the user, it will not be possible to view the site completely and correctly.
At the moment this site does not install first-party profiling cookies and the Google Analytics cookies have been anonymized.
c) Third Party Profiling Cookies
This type of cookies allows a website manager to be able to show targeted advertising to users who have visited their website based on their interests through the Google advertising network or on other advertising sites. The advertising shown is based on the web pages previously visited by the user and is later shown on other websites that allow the display of Remarketing campaigns. Remarketing campaigns can be carried out through services offered by third parties (such as the Google Adwords Remarketing tool). Remarketing campaigns generate so-called profiling cookies.
We use this type of cookie only with the consent given by the user.

You can change your choice and / or disable targeted advertising through Google at the following link:

d) Other Third Party Cookies
By browsing the site
Cookie Policy
See above.